24 March 2007

Cold enough for ice sculptures

Today was the "learn to return" training where they had a full day of medical rescue training, how to dress, eat, and take care of themselves in the Arctic and Antarctic. Cathy writes:

"There was a particularly long and detailed section on frostbite and hypothermia which left in all of us the harsh details of what happens if you freeze then thaw (swollen digits) or refreeze your digits (black and you lose them). The training was sufficient to teach us all to really watch our fingers and toes to make sure that we really take special care of them. Nothing like seeing big screen photos of what happens when you don't monitor the health of your fingers and toes. It really snaps you into shape about taking care of yourself."

"After a big banquet at a very nice local restaurant, we all got in the van and went to the annual ice sculpture competition which is an international event hosted in Fairbanks. The imagery was spectacular. The weather is actually quite nice here. It was near 20F during the day and only got down to about 5F while at the Ice Park."

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